As colour can't lose its ability to give colour after being broken several times. Similarly, I also can't unlearn the art of spreading love and smile, after being broken, several times by my life !
Boasting a rich and dynamic career of over 18 years in journalism. A “journalist” usually works for an organization such as a newspaper or radio or TV station. They are hired to cover news events and present the information in a timely (and hopefully accurate) manner. There are free lance journalists who sell stories to independent companies.
“As a Journalist I mainly concerned with getting the facts straight”
RP Negi
Editor in Chief
Contact: 9816020056
Email:[email protected]
–Himachal celebrates cent per cent vaccination of eligible targeted population The Himachal Herald, Shimla The AIIMS Bilaspur would be made fully functional within next six ...
The Himachal Herald, Shimla Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today inaugurated the Swarnim Himachal Kala Mahotsav at New Delhi. This event is a part of ...
-अखिल भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस ने नोटिफिकेशन की जारी शिमला। हिमाचली चुनावों में अपनी अदभुत चुनावी प्रतिभा को लोहा मनवा चुके सुजानपुर के विधायक व प्रदेश कांग्रेस ...
The Himachal Herald, Shimla 20th meeting of the State Single Window Clearance and Monitoring Authority (SSWC&MA) was held here today under the chairmanship of ...
The Himachal Herald, Shimla Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today released book titled Himachal Pradesh-a Treasure of Tourism authored by former IAS Officer and noted ...