(SHIMLA) Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has congratulated Police Officers’ awarded with one President’s Police Medal and three Police Medals on the occasion of 75th Independence Day.
The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has awarded the President’s Police Medal to Virender Sharma, SP Solan for his Distinguished Service and Police Medal to three officers’ viz. Dinesh Kumar Yadav, IGP (Welfare & Administration) at Police HQ, Inspector Praveen Kumar, HP PTC Daroh and Assistant Sub-Inspector Kishore Kumar TTR Unit, Shimla for Meritorious Service.
Jai Ram Thakur said that it was a reward for dedication and commitment towards the duty and hoped that other police officers and officials would emulate the footsteps of these officers to excel in their respective fields.
As colour can’t lose its ability to give colour after being broken several times. Similarly, I also can’t unlearn the art of spreading love and smile, after being broken, several times by my life !
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